Alte Meister fur junge spieler for violin (old masters for young violin players) contains violin solo and piano accompaniment parts. This old music is in good condition with clean content, however, the violin solo part is a bit wrinkled. Contents are:
- Preludio e Gavotta by J Quanta
- Sarabande by Handel
- Menuett und Trio by Beethoven
- Matelotte by William Boyce
- La Jeunesse by J Loeillet
- Bagatelle by W Mozart
- Die Lotosblume by Schumann
- Sarabandaund Gavotta by Telemann
- Hornpipe a linglese by Gottfried Finger
- Aria Cantabile by Bach
- Sarabanda e Corrente by A Corelli
- Entree et Cotillon by J Senallie
Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Many thanks for looking.
Please note: I do not sell outside UK. If you are outside the UK and have made a Paypal payment, I will refund the original less any Paypal fee.
With piano accompliment
Violin and piano
various, various
Local Pickup and/or Post or Courier
Private individual
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Make an instant payment for the full price (£3.50 plus £2.50 postage) directly to the seller's PayPal account.
Request an adjustment to the item's postage for local pickup or international shipping etc. If the seller accepts your request, you will receive an invoice by email for payment through PayPal.
Contact seller to check availablity of the item or to ask any other questions or to arrange cash on collection or payment by cheque etc.